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Recommended measures for sewage treatment plant

For a sewage treatment plant to "safely navigate through winter" is not as difficult as it may seem. To address the various problems that arise during low-temperature operation of biological systems, causing difficulties in plant operation, water quality exceedances, and other issues, it is necessary to analyze the root causes of these unfavorable factors comprehensively and then formulate targeted solutions.

Self-cleaning Filter

Recommended measures typically include:

  1. Temperature Regulation and Insulation:

    • Covering aeration and settling tanks with insulation to retain heat and counteract temperature losses, especially in open-air systems that experience frequent heat exchange with cold air.
  2. Water Heating:

    • Warming influent water to counteract extremely low temperatures, ensuring the continued operation of microorganisms within the reactor or reaction tank at their optimal biological reaction temperature.
  3. Increased Sludge Concentration:

    • Raising the MLSS (Mixed Liquor Suspended Solids) concentration to above 5000 mg/L before the onset of low-temperature seasons to compensate for the reduced activity of sludge.
  4. Enhancing Sludge Activity:

    • Introducing trace elements, vitamins, bases, purines, pyrimidines, biotin, and niacin into the wastewater to enhance microbial metabolic and reproductive capabilities, ensuring the high activity of microorganisms within the biological unit.

These measures collectively contribute to a successful operation during the challenging winter months, ensuring the sewage treatment plant operates smoothly and meets regulatory requirements.

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